Federal procedure under the JBNQA

Background information

For projects in areas of federal jurisdiction (ex. wharfs) subject to the environmental and social impact assessment and review procedure under Section 23 of the JBNQA, the president of the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency, in his capacity as the federal administrator, is the responsible authority. In Nunavik, two bodies support the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency to carry out environmental assessment, the Screening Committee and the Environmental and Social Impact Review Panel (COFEX-North).

The Screening Committee is responsible for determining whether projects not appearing in schedules 1 and 2 of Section 23 of the JBNQA and considered grey zone are subject to or exempt from the procedure. The Screening Committee has four members: two appointed by the Government of Canada and two by the Kativik Regional Government. Following analysis of projects, the Screening Committee transmits its recommendations to the federal administrator who is responsible for all final decisions.

COFEX-North for its part is responsible for reviewing projects under federal jurisdiction subject to the procedure. This body has five members: three appointed by the Government of Canada and two appointed by the Kativik Regional Government. The chairperson is appointed by the Government of Canada. Following its analysis, COFEX-North transmits to the Canadian Environmental Assessment Agency its recommendations on whether projects should be authorized with or without conditions, or not. The Agency is responsible for all final decisions and for transmitting these to the project proponents.


Steps of the federal procedure under Section 23 of the JBNQA (Projects automatically subject to review)

Steps of the federal procedure under Section 23 of the JBNQA (“Grey Zone” Projects)

Internal management rules for COFEX-North activities

Registry of projects under federal jurisdiction subject to Section 23 of the JBNQA (progress of current projects and those completed)

Contact information:

Environmental and Social Impact Review Panel (COFEX-North)
Address: 1550 D’Estimauville Ave, Quebec City QC G1J 0C1
Tel.: 418-648-7831
Fax: 418-649-6443
Email: Kambale.Katahwa@ceaa-acee.gc.ca
Website: [to be completed] 

Provincial procedure under the JBNQA