Mining and mineral exploration activities

Nunavik occupies 36%, or 500,000 km2, of the territory of Québec. In 2023, there are over 36,500 mining claims in the region, three active mines, three mining projects at advance planning stages and mineral exploration activities occurring throughout the region. The KEAC is concerned about the potential impacts of mine development on Nunavik’s natural and social environments and closely monitors regulations applicable to mineral exploration and mining. The KEAC is focused in particular on the multiplication of impact assessment procedures applicable to mining development activities.

Recent Actions:

  • Provided comments to the MRNF regarding the Harmonious Development of Mining Activities and their proposals for revising the mining regime and the framework for mining activities in May and November 2023
  • Co-authored a letter with KRG regarding the Regulation to amend the Regulation respecting mineral substances other than petroleum, natural gas and brine in October 202
  • Monitored IA review process for the Strange Lake Rare Earth Mining Project
  • Met with MELCCFP regarding Canadian Royalties’ request to modify its certificate of authorization for the Delta project
  • Commented on the amendments to Clean Air Regulation to raise the allowable concentration of airborne nickel particulate within of 300m from nickel processing facilities.
  • Campaigning for the restoration of the Asbestos Hill mine site with MERN.
  • Monitoring modifications and application of Mining Act in Nunavik, particularly the proposed authorization required to impact-causing exploration activities.
  • Submitted feedback on Québec’s plan for the development of critical and strategic minerals.
  • Submitted feedback and continues to monitor the MERN’s aboriginal community consultation policy specific to the mining sector.

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