
The KEAC is a tripartite body composed of nine members: three appointed by the Kativik Regional Government, three by the Government of Québec and three by the Government of Canada. For 2024-2025, the Chairperson is André-Anne Gagnon, member named by Québec.

Members appointed by the Kativik Regional Government

Michael Barrett

Michael Barrett is the associate director of the Renewable Resources, Environment, Lands and Parks Department of the Kativik Regional Government. He has served as a member of the KEAC from its creation until 1990 and from 1999 to the present.

Theresa Chemaganish



Minnie Grey

Minnie Grey has worked actively throughout her career to improve the quality of life for Inuit in Nunavik, Canada and internationally. Born in Kangirsuk, Nunavik, she has held various position and honors within the Makivik Corporation, Canada office of the Inuit Circumpolar Council, Nunavik Education Task Force, the Nunavik Nutrition and Health Committee, and the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services among many other.

She is the recipient of a National Aboriginal Achievement Award as well as the Inuit Tapiriit Kanatami Award, the Queen’s Jubilee medal from the office of the Governor General, has the title of Chevalier having received the Order of Quebec in June 2013 and became a member of the Order of Canada in 2017. More recently in 2022, she received an Honorary Doctorate from the University of Montreal. Since 2013, Minnie held the position of Executive Director of the Nunavik Regional Board of Health and Social Services, until her recent retirement in July 2023.

Members appointed by the Government of Québec

Paule Halley

Paule Halley, LL.D., is a lawyer, a professor of law at Université Laval and the Canada Research Chair in Environmental Law. She was appointed to the KEAC in 1999.

André-Anne Gagnon, Chairperson for 2024-2025

André-Anne Gagnon holds a bachelor’s degree in biological sciences from the University of Montreal as well as a master’s degree in maritime resource management from the University of Quebec in Rimouski. Since November 2020, she has been working in the National Parks Department at the Ministry of Environment, the Fight Against Climate Change, Fauna and Parks as a project manager. Ms. Gagnon also has experience in the field of environmental assessment of northern and mining projects. She was named a KEAC member in 2020.


Jasmin Bergeron

Jasmin Bergeron is a geographer. He worked for a 12 years at the Office of Public Hearings on the Environment (BAPE). Since 2019, he has been employed by the Ministry of the Environment, the Fight against Climate Change, Wildlife and Parks and he currently holds the position of coordinator-team leader for the environmental impact assessment of mining projects. He was appointed as a member of the KEAC in 2024.

Members appointed by the Government of Canada

Marc-Antoine Giroux

Marc-Antoine has several years of experience as an analyst with Environment and Climate Change Canada and Aboriginal Services Canada. He is currently the Manager of the Analysis, Regional Relations and Aboriginal Affairs at Environment and Climate Change Canada’s Atlantic and Quebec regional office.

Pierre-Yves Gagnon

Pierre-Yves Gagnon was appointed to the Kativik Environmental Advisory Committee in 2023. He is the implementation coordinator for modern treaties at Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada. With a Master’s degree in Public and International Affairs, he contributes extensive experience in government service and program administration.


Marie-Noëlle Fournier

Marie-Noëlle holds a bachelor’s degree in communications and has worked for more than 15 years for programs and NPOs for territorial and community development purposes. She is now coordinator of the Indigenous relations Unit team for the Fish and Fish Habitat Protection program for Fisheries and Oceans Canada. She was appointed to the KEAC in 2022.

KEAC employees

Executive Secretary: Benjamin Patenaude

Benjamin Patenaude has held the position of executive secretary since 2013.

Environmental Analyst: Nancy Dea

Nancy Dea has worked as an environmental analyst for the KEAC since 2012.

Policy Analyst: Christine Lambert.

Christine Lambert was hired as analyst in April 2022.